How to Prepare for

The Day of Repentance
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What Steps Can I Take To Prepare?

The First Step:

  • Begin by asking the LORD to examine your life, mind, and heart and completely reveal to you any sin of commission or omission. 
  • Examine yourself by the standards of His Perfect Law, Holiness, and Obedience in the Word of GOD
  • Make a detailed list of exactly what comes to your mind especially the things that you are most “defensive” about.
  • Include in your list everyone that has offended and hurt you, and that you STILL have not forgiven.  (GOD will not forgive you, unless you forgive others that have sought your forgiveness) Matthew 6:14

Repentance comes from your WILL.  It is a decision you make.  GOD gave us free will, and regardless of your conditioning, your habits, and your addictions, HE will give you the grace and ability to repent IF YOU ASK HIM. Joel 2:13, 1Peter 5: 5-11

Remember what he taught us in Matthew:

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Matthew 16:26

What Steps Can I Take To Prepare?

The First Step:

  • Begin by asking the LORD to examine your life, mind, and heart and completely reveal to you any sin of commission or omission. 
  • Examine yourself by the standards of His Perfect Law, Holiness, and Obedience in the Word of GOD
  • Make a detailed list of exactly what comes to your mind especially the things that you are most “defensive” about.
  • Include in your list everyone that has offended and hurt you, and that you STILL have not forgiven.  (GOD will not forgive you, unless you forgive others that have sought your forgiveness) Matthew 6:14

Repentance comes from your WILL.  It is a decision you make.  GOD gave us free will, and regardless of your conditioning, your habits, and your addictions, HE will give you the grace and ability to repent IF YOU ASK HIM. Joel 2:13, 1Peter 5: 5-11

Remember what he taught us in Matthew:

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Matthew 16:26

The Second Step:


What sin, pleasure, relationship, addiction, or unforgiveness is worth spending eternity alone and separated from Kingdom of GOD?

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10

Now that you have your list, it is your moment of decision.  Your eternal destiny, and the future of your family, city, and country hang in the balance.

The Second Step:


What sin, pleasure, relationship, addiction, or unforgiveness is worth spending eternity alone and separated from Kingdom of GOD?

For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.” 2 Corinthians 7:10

Now that you have your list, it is your moment of decision.  Your eternal destiny, and the future of your family, city, and country hang in the balance.

Third Step:

Pick up your list AND Pray this prayer :

Father GOD, I know your Word is true and that the world is full of deception. I know that you warned us that you will send a delusion upon the world and all those who will not repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I ask you now to strengthen me and give me the Grace to Repent in every area of my life that displeases you and violates your law. I choose to repent of every one of these sins. 

I choose to repent of ________________. (Name the sin you are repenting of)

I choose to repent of ________________. (Continue till you go through your complete list)

HOLY SPIRIT, please search every part of me and make known to me any other sins that I need to repent of.  (Listen silently – you may hear HIM reveal other sins)

I am guilty, and I plead the Blood of Jesus over each one of these sins. I renounce every area of my life where I have given the enemy a foothold, and I willingly submit my life to your will. Please fill me with joy and with the HOLY SPIRIT and I will praise you and honor you all the days of my life, In JESUS NAME I PRAY, AMEN!

GLORY TO GOD!  You have been washed clean and now you are ready to take part in the battle for the heart of America and the other countries of the world!

Third Step:

Pick up your list AND Pray this prayer:

Father GOD, I know your Word is true and that the world is full of deception. I know that you warned us that you will send a delusion upon the world and all those who will not repent and place their faith in Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. I ask you now to strengthen me and give me the Grace to Repent in every area of my life that displeases you and violates your law. I choose to repent of every one of these sins. 

I choose to repent of ________________. (Name the sin you are repenting of)

I choose to repent of ________________. (Continue till you go through your complete list)

HOLY SPIRIT, please search every part of me and make known to me any other sins that I need to repent of.  (Listen silently – you may hear HIM reveal other sins)

 I am guilty, and I plead the Blood of Jesus over each one of these sins. I renounce every area of my life where I have given the enemy a foothold, and I willingly submit my life to your will. Please fill me with JOY and the HOLY SPIRIT and I will praise you and honor you all the days of my life. In JESUS NAME I PRAY, Amen.

GLORY TO GOD!  You have been washed clean and now you are ready to take part in the battle for the heart of America and the other countries of the world!


Let us know how the LORD is responding to your repentance and fasting.
Our prayer and hope is to see America and the nations of the world repent, and we want you to be a part!

11 + 8 =

Bible Quotes are from the New King James Version