Frequently Asked Questions

How to prepareSpread the Word


What is the Day of Repentance?

A special day for Christians to repent and make sure that they are ready to meet the LORD at the Judgment Seat of Christ AND be able to intercede effectively on behalf of their city and nation:

Step One:  In the days leading up to the Day of Repentance, every willing Christian will ask the LORD to examine them and reveal any sin that they need to repent of.

Step Two:  On the DAY OF REPENTANCE, Christians will assemble in their homes in order confess the sins of their city and nation, and cry out for GOD’S mercy ahead of the judgments to come.

Who has called for this Repentance?

The LORD calls for repentance from unbelievers and Christians throughout the Bible. has been led by the LORD to invite Christians to repent as a result of the Global Pandemic and the escalating tensions in our country.

Our hearts desire is to see a miraculous, GOD glorifying move of repentance and intercession in the church around the world

What are the Objectives of the Day of Repentance?
  • To encourage Christians to repent of the sins in their life and prepare for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Matthew 22:1-14
  • To mobilize and focus the prayer of millions of Christians for NATIONAL REPENTANCE in America and in countries around the world.
  • To cry out together to the LORD for mercy during future judgments in our cities and country.
  • To AWAKEN the lost and the fallen away to their spiritual condition and alert them of the danger of being eternally separated from the GOD
How can ministries and churches help spread the word about the Day of Repentance?

As soon as the Website went live, we began contacting Ministries, Churches, and Christian Organizations in hopes that they will join with us in calling Believers to join in this effort to BLESS GOD through our repentance and intercession.

Our prayer is that thousands of organizations will use all their channels of communication to call millions of Christians to join in the Day of Repentance

We will be eternally grateful if you would contact the leadership at your local church and Christian radio station and ask them to spread the word to the body

The website says 9:00 A.M. – what time zone are you referring to?

We are calling for Christians to assemble in their homes at 9:00 a.m. according to their LOCAL TIME.   This way, the LORD will receive praise, repentance, and intercession taking place each hour around the world.

Why is the Day of Repentance so important?

Our need for individual and national repentance eclipses everything else.  We must resist being distracted by politics, division, fear, and the pressures of life. Our battle is not against our fellow man. It is time that we recognized that our ONLY HOPE is to repent of our sins against GOD and seek His forgiveness, guidance, and help.


Let us know how the LORD is responding to your repentance and fasting.
Our prayer and hope is to see America and the nations of the world repent, and we want you to be a part!

14 + 6 =

Bible Quotes are from the New King James Version